Five Hour Club

Shaping Five Hour Workdays for parents

For parents

If you would like to work between the school runs, whilst maintaining your career,
the Five Hour Club can help.
We are working with employers to shape
Five Hour Workdays in all professions for parents.
Join us now to hear more!

For employers

Can you offer Five Hour Workdays for parents who need to work between the school runs?Become a trailblazer and help us shape Five Hour Careers for parents returning to work.Get in touch to find out how to be involved.

About us

As parents of young children,
we know how hard it is returning to work after having children,
and to maintain a career in the chaos.
By working together
with parents and employers,
we are shaping
Five Hour Workdays for parents.

Join the revolution

Because working 9-5 doesn't work for parents